
Dear sweet mericiful Jesus

People from Pennsylvania done lost their damn minds

I am from probably the second craziest state in the union, after Flordia. First the woman who tried to cut another woman's unborn baby from her uterus and now this.

At least this nonsense took place out in Amish country. No one really takes responsibility for those fools.

oh, and...MYSPACES!

Kara Beth-jailbait chick

David-her crazy boyfriend

I am such a good internet sleuth.


Anonymous said...

Amen. Pennsylvania is fucked up. We just wrote an editorial about how according to AP, the state game commission is trying to legalize hunting with atlatls, ancient devices that can hurl six foot darts over 80 mph. Yeah, that sounds safe...

Anonymous said...

Boy that is scary. I guess you can find out anything on the internet. That picture of David in his profile is the one that is plastered all over the tv.