Ex-Pats employee sends the NFL six tapes of five games where the Patriots recorded the opposing teams play-calling signals.
Of course, two of the tapes are from the 2002 AFC Championship game against (wait for it) The Pittsburgh Steelers. Loyal 'burghers will recall the absolute awfulness of the that game, wherein the Steelers were ranked first in defense and third in offense in the NFL and managed to look no better than the Hempfield Area High School Spartans, high on heads full of acid. A recap:In the AFC Championship Game at Pittsburgh, the Patriots were nine-point underdogs, and Tom Brady was knocked out with an injured leg in the first half. However, Drew Bledsoe came in and led the Pats to a 24-17 win, thanks to a Troy Brown 55-yard TD punt return and a 60-yard return of a blocked FG for a TD. The Patriots intercepted Steelers QB Kordell Stewart three times, and Pittsburgh running backs were held to just 19 yards. Starting with that win, the Patriots are 5-1 against the Steelers, including a 30-14 win in the 2002 season opener.
You will recall the "Slash" lost his starting job after that season (not to blame the Pats, because he was sucking in general, BUT performed excellently in the 2001 season), and the Stillers lost several subsequent playoff matches to the almighty New England Patriots.
Not to mention Steelers fans have had to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous righteousness from uppity Pats fans for years.
Karma's a bitch, and God hates cheaters. And Massachusetts.
god hates cheaters, pt. whatever
Posted by
1:54 PM
Tags: god hates cheaters, i tire of this, picksburgh, sports
another short and revealing list
well, it's been a weekend of epic proportions friends. a short checklist:
-seeing the penis of a total stranger on the crowded dance floor of a bar with friends from freshman year
-injuries: a hand punctured with a barbeque skewer and a foot sliced open on an as yet unidentified object. this bled like a motherfuck, and i didn't realize it until i was walking to 7-11 for cigs and my sandal was soaked with blood
- the return of the sun, as well as bare feet, hopscotch, beer pong on the front lawn, bubbles and hoola hoops
- a "riot" in town, complete with inappropriate police action and tear gas (probably a whole separate post on this as shit goes down this week)
-oh, and i have a million things to do before graduation, but i'm probably just going to keep procrastinating with good company and alcohol. if you know what's good for you, you'll probably want to join.
Posted by
2:13 PM
Tags: batshit insane, police state, that which amuses me, wild lust
a brief and revealing list of things i currently love
aural: Ironhorse's A Bluegrass Tribute to Modest Mouse Honestly, my favorite band covered by a bunch of Scots with banjos and moustaches. And far better diction than Issac Brock, God love his marble-mouthed soul. More Bob Dylan, Blonde on Blonde in particular, The Pixies, and OMG The Roots. Spring is coming and I want to dance.
mental: Just finished Time's Arrow by Martin Amiss, reading The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time and the Texture of Reality by Brian Greene, working on a paper about Hindu, gender, goddess worship and Kali. So, a lot of destruction and junk about the universe. Right now, I'm watching Wordplay and its awesome.
gastronomical: yerba tea. It's amazing.
sartorial: still tights, plus thrift store sweaters, and wearing my hair shaggy like Nico. I also gave myself some blunt-cut bangs. They're all the rage right now.
extracurricular: live music, good friends and conversation. I've been sick all week, which has limited my enjoyment of the pleasures of life, but I'm getting better.
Posted by
11:05 AM
Tags: lists, that which amuses me
damn dirty hippies
Hey dudes. Turn off your lights from 8-9 p.m. tonight, for Earth Hour.
Mostly, you should be turning shit off every day, but do it today especially.
Even Google blacked out — which is pretty cool.
Posted by
12:03 PM
Tags: direct action, green whatever
september '75, i was 47 inches high
nostalgia videos presents!
one angry dwarf and 100 solemn faces-ben folds
it's funny how even when it's long dead, you can't stop being reminded of how it was or how it felt.
Posted by
2:12 AM
Tags: i tire of this, wild lust, youtube
what a mess
Proving once again that it's one of the best sources for innovative political and social thought, Slate asked several of its best hawks the same question which plagues anyone who bothers to give the land of Ur more than a passing thought: How did I get Iraq wrong?
Consider in particular, Christopher Hitchens's strident declaration that he, in fact, did not get Iraq wrong. He is not claiming some holier-than-thou stance of being always opposed to the Iraq War [one which the author of this blog takes, with some pride, having endured being called "un-American" and "a Communist" for three months in high school], but rather considers the relevancy of this "anniversary" marking aggression in a region that has not been without outside influence, puppetry and gross cruelty for most of the past 20 years. And that is what I call the Bishop Berkeley theory of Iraq, whereby if a country collapses and succumbs to trauma, and it's not our immediate fault or direct responsibility, then it doesn't count, and we are not involved. Nonetheless, the very thing that most repels people when they contemplate Iraq, which is the chaos and misery and fragmentation (and the deliberate intensification and augmentation of all this by the jihadists), invites the inescapable question: What would post-Saddam Iraq have looked like without a coalition presence?
The dearth of critical, stridently self-analytical, rational thought like this is what got us into this mess in the first place. Hitchens asks the questions, and cleverly provides no answers. At this juncture, perhaps this is the best tactic, as I or anyone else has been hard-pressed to produce a solution for Iraq that is both politically viable and resembles anything close fairness and justice.
[Another nail in the coffin for the idea of the military industrial complex and warfare in general, but I digress. My recently developed opinions of the structure of war and nuclear weapons merits a post of its own.]
For more traditionally journalistic content, The New York Times does a fair job, with excellent photography as usual. Bear in mind that most of the reporting coming out of Iraq is done by undercover Iraqis in constant fear, however.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Tags: i tire of this, mess o' potamia, so it goes, thinkability
the fabric of the cosmos
bwahahahaha. this may be the nerdiest thing I've ever laughed at [at which I have ever laughed? God that sucks]. By the way, Fenyman is the man, and Mythbusters is extra cool. But as neat as it is, I have a lot of problems with string theory.
Namely that no one can tell me why it's a good idea. That, and I don't like the concept that someday, theoretical physicists will derive an equation to explain all of what we currently hold unexplainable. I like the mystery of unanswerable questions.
Because it allows me to posit my own outrageous explanations of things. If you [whoever gets to be the authority about the nature of the universe] don't know what the real answer is, you can't discard my personal hypothesis that the Theory of Everything is based on Pure Poetry and Icelandic Rocks.
Posted by
1:04 AM
Tags: nerd alert, that which amuses me, the universe is shaped exactly like the earth